Monday, November 2, 2020

Week 9 of the BOS to BHB challenge

Another fall week of pretty lousy weather, (boooo!) some random unavoidable issues (work, poor Eric has not been feeling himself #notCovid)  and on Sunday I really felt my age, and tweaked my back (UGHHHH!) 
However, I did manage to get in *almost* all the miles for my challenge. 

As far as my funky shin goes, I definitely feel like headway is being made in the recovery process. If this was a "normal" year, I imagine I would have barely even mentioned it, because now is usually the time that I do very little before beginning Boston Training. *oh, and for those who don't know, Boston has been postponed to Fall 2021, and we all know I think that is pretty optimistic*
ANYWAY. Since this isn't really a normal year, I have been mentioning my shin shit rehab and thought it might be prudent to outline what that means to me. 
It's not entirely unusual for me to experience a shin issue during the summer. Eric and I both continue to run, and we also absolutely thrash up and down mountains on the weekends. This is great fun, and the risk is worth the reward. 
However, there usually comes a time when I need to address the issue. I usually shut down the athletics when any pain is noticed when I am not actually exercising (or, of course, if I am feeling pain during every workout. that's not cool.) In this case, I had some mild shin/calf pain that was occasionally noticeable while simply living my life, as well as while running.  
After taking about a week off, the pain had been completely eliminated from my non workout activities. At that point, I eased back in to a routine of slow running, or walk/running. In addition to being very cautions about my exertions, I also ice after EVERY workout, and use a stick roller on my calf. Last week I never felt a single twinge from my junk leg, and this leads me to believe I am gaining ground. For me, it seems that shin crap takes a while to completely get over, and that it can not be ignored. 
Oh, and as a side note, after two consecutive years of post summer-fun-shin-death, I'm planning to invest some time in figuring out how to PREVENT this. Fool me twice, and all that.....

So, the past week was neither glamorous or exciting but I was happy to keep moving along. I had to hit up the treadmill quite a bit due to RAIN and DARK, so I was extra cautions, as treadmill runs have been the hardest on my leg so far. I did have a good, non stop 4 miler on Saturday in which I felt no pain during, or after. 
Also, this was the first time that I have actually advanced a few places in the challenge. I was a bit skeptical about this, as I certainly did not have a bang-up week, but I must not have been the only one. 

More of the same planned for the upcoming week, with some better weather on the horizon! 
Also, the Half K a Day challenge began yesterday, so I'll be reporting on that next week as well. I suppose that means that I will actually be running, or moving in some way daily for this month! I'm kind of excited, because I have never done a streak like this before. I'm definitely hoping to get outdoors a bit more this week, and if we are lucky, maybe even get in a short weekend hike. 

Miles run: 27 (about 5 of these were short hikes)
Warmest day: Ugh it was cold daily. I'm not even sure if we got into the 50's this week. 
Place in Challenge on Sunday night: 240/569 This is a decent improvement, and one so unjustified (I was still a mile short this week, it's not like I ran 55 miles!!) that I'm just wondering if people forgot to log miles. We shall see next week. 

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