Monday, August 10, 2020

Week 8: B2B2B 624K challenge

Good Lord. Week 8 was more or less a total flop (again: things I predicted 8 weeks ago)

20 stupid miles. 9 miles of hiking. Lame lame laaaaaaaaaame. 

Also, it's dark AF at 4:30AM now, which drastically reduces the chances of me getting in a morning run. And then, it's 93 degrees all day which reduces the chances of an evening run. 

Oh! One not lame thing was the AMAZING sunrise before a big storm last week. It was nice.

Red sun......

I hope to get back to it with authority this week. My top 15 placement doesn't seem tooooo much at risk, but I'll be pissed if I drop the ball. 

Also, my hip weirdly hurt every now and then. Gross. 

Anyway. Stupid stupid crap crap the end. 

Miles run: 20.6 Crap Dumb Ugh
Miles Hiked: 9
B2B2B standing on Sunday night: 12/43. Losing ground 
Hottest day: 90 on Monday and the most humidity of the year, which is pretty damn awful  
Longest run: 7.2

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