Monday, August 24, 2020

Week 10 B2B2B 624K Challenge: DONE!!!!!

With (out) much ado, I completed the Baxter to Baxter to Baxter challenge on Saturday. As expected, I was the 12th person to finish, holding off the 13th place finisher by less than one workout. 

Having this challenge was a GREAT way to hang on to some running motivation during a less than motivational time. I will be the first to admit, I would NOT have run much this summer had it not been to hold my place on the leaderboard. (shame is my number one motivation!) 

While I was supposed to have two marathons this fall (Boston/Chicago) my heart wasn't really broken not to have to train hard. Just getting in 30 miles a week was challenge enough. Add speed work, hill work, and long runs to that, and I would have been a grouch. I should probably file that info away for the next time I want to race in the fall... (but I will "forget"... I always do!) 

That being said, I do have "Virtual Boston" between the 7th and 14th of September. I am not sure how people motivate themselves to actually train hard for a virtual race! My only goal is to complete the miles in one go, and even that seems like a real stretch at the present moment. 
I never have any trouble womaning up to train for In-Real-Life Boston, but EFF me if I'm going to thrash out 20 milers in 90 degree weather for a virtual event. 
I do appreciate that it is a one of a kind, historic event. I'm thankful to be able to participate. I'm not going to go out and run a crap ton of mile reps to show my appreciation though....

And HEY I'm going to put this out there right now (and become unpopular, but realistic.)
It is hard to imagine that Boston 2021 is actually going to be able to happen. I predict a full cancellation again, or a small field of elites only. I just don't feel like this whole pandemic crisis is going to be even CLOSE to under control in less than 8 months. Pretty sure the past 6 months have proved that point. 

So. How to stay motivated in a time of no races?

Luckily, I found another challenge. Phew. *tired*

The Boston To Bar Harbor Challenge takes an incredibly indirect 750 mile route, and has a 6 month timeline to complete. There are a good number of people registered for the run/walk portion (250 I believe- I'll check.) It began on Friday the 21st, and is currently being led by a person who seems to enjoy daily 12 mile walks. I don't have time for that! I'll check back in at the end of the week with my stats and thoughts. Technically, this "race" "runs" through a few cities I have marathoned in, which makes it interesting for me. 

OK. So that's a wrap on the B2B2B. I'm proud of completing before the deadline, and to have met my goal of a 30 mile running week the majority (all but 3 weeks) of the time. 

Miles run: 30
Miles Hiked: 20 and change
B2B2B standing on Sunday night: 12 AND DONE
Hottest day: Not hot enough to even remember. Maybe 80?   
Longest run: 10.1


  1. Yeah. With you on the possibilties for 2021 in general. Too many Insert-Miracle-Here steps for a return to status quo ante by then. If ever. Drags self away from impending rant.

  2. Well, congratulations on the challenge! And yeah, big races are probably out until we have a readily distributable vaccine and good compliance with it.
