Monday, March 8, 2021

A zero week, and ONE YEAR since my last race

I quit running last week. 
For a little while I have felt the need for more than a day, or even two off. Prompted by a week of truly FRRRRRREEZING weather, and work that was just INSANE, I decided that last week was the week for a big fat ZERO.

 It was just fine and dandy, and I managed to catch up on some odds and ends, as well as get in one boring walk and one very pleasant hike. (Mt. Pierce again, for the 3rd time of the 2021 season.)

Mt Pierce!

The week before I believe I ran exactly 30 miles, and we enjoyed a hike on a lovely day, but in some sticky/messy conditions up Mt Tom, Field, and Avalon. 

Mt Tom

Today marks the exact one year anniversary of my last race, which was the Half At The Hamptons. (this also *celebrates* the one year mark since I have traveled more than about 50 miles from home, dined out, been to a movie, had friends over for dinner, stopped by the pub, or generally felt like life was "normal.")
Oh that's a lie. I actually had to drive about 200 miles to bring a horse or two to the vet last year. UGH!!!

While, generally, the Covid news seems to be somewhat better, and the vaccines are rolling out, things still feel far from normal. I certainly see that some people (and sone states, *ahem Texas* are ready to steam roll ahead, I can't help but to think that a more cautious re-entry is more my style. Not a week has gone by where I have not seen someone in my circle impacted by Covid, and so I hesitate to think we are out of the woods yet. 
I am very happy to say that my parents are either fully vaccinated, or halfway there. 
And if I dare to hope a little, maybe this summer will help us to reduce the numbers to almost nothing. 
(and then I remember that there are plenty of things that could derail these hopes, but here's to being positive!)

Today, somebody asked me if I was getting "ready for the Marathon" and I had absolutely no clue what they could be speaking of. As it turned out, it was a very genuine question pertaining to what I am "usually" doing in March- prepping for Boston. I mentioned that the race had been moved to October, but that none of were actually sure of any details yet. They then said "apparently they are not going to give medals this year, because that would mean that volunteers have to interact with racers!!" I think this gives a really good inside view of how little the general public understands about just HOW MANY volunteers it takes to run a race, and exactly how many people are involved. (and this is NOT critical of the general public, Just factual.) From the race expo, to the water stations, to the medal distributors, and the thousands of others people helping, ALL races are volunteer driven. (and, I can't help but think that the LAST thing on the mind of the BAA is eliminating medals to spare those specific humans.....)
We'll see what happens. 

Anyway. Another week another week. This week I hope I run about ZERO MILES. Just kidding. I'll probably do something around 30. I hope it's nice out and we can hike. I hope I win the lottery (I don't play....) I hope the weather is as good as it is supposed to be. I hope Covid goes the fuck away. So, basically the usual around here. 

Miles run: 30
Hiked: 7.6
Warmest day: I can not remember
Coldest day: Same
Snow: A sneak attack couple of storms, both of which required plowing
Place in Challenge on Sunday night: 1/39 STILL WINNING!!!! 

Actual Last Week
Hiked: 6.1
Warmest day: LAST WEEK WAS SHIT. Like, actually 28 .
Coldest day: So fucking cold. Windchill of -35 all day on Tuesday and I quit.
Snow: No
Place in Challenge on Sunday night: 1/42 WHAT??? I do a 9 mile week and still win??

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