So I'm late on the recap, per the norm.
Hmmmm March. What the hell happened?
Miles run: 165. I'm surprised it isn't higher. Well, I was kinda recovering from Hyannis the 1st week so I think that explains it.
Hours of cross training done: I can't figure out how to find that in my dailymile. I can take an educated guess though.... Between yoga, core and a tiny bit of Spin probably close to 20 hours. It keeps me busy, no time to do normal people things, or clean obviously....
Which is why I have this guy, duh...
Number of times I puked on my shoes- ZERO! Miracle...
Number of times I quit running- Once but it was after I fell in the damn snowcovered stream. Legit.
Number or races run- ZERO Anyone who has followed my blog knows that this is extremely rare and unusual. In the name of not overtraining/over racing I put all competitive running on hold until after Boston. It wasn't as hard as you would think, all I had to do was remember my months of shitty shin splint pain last year and that was enough to rein me in.
Number of treadmill runs- NONE! TAKE THAT!!!!
Longest training run- 19
Number of nightmares I've had about Heartbreak Hill- One million billion
This shit is in my damn head!
Number of colds I have caught 7 days out from a big race- 1. Yeah, I'm coming down with some sniffly bug. Hope it goes away pronto!
With one week to go I'm feeling fine. A little sick but fine. Legs have been decent (which is amazing for taper time) and despite my random Heartbreak Hill nightmares I feel well adjusted.
Sure, I wish I had about 6,000 more years to get my hill work in but I've really gone above and beyond- hitting every hill in town. Making sure that every single long run had a monster climb in the last couple miles. Even my easy runs have a seriously punishing hill at the end. My endurance still isn't where I'd like it to be, but in reality Id also like to be a 3:08 marathoner and THAT isn't gonna happen either! So it's all good. The forecast looks acceptable and with only a few more workouts to put in I'm feeling as ready as I can be. Bring it on, Boston!
wooohoooo!!!! one more week!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou did great in March! I know on Dailymile you can have it filter between time for different activities, but it doesn't do everything.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better and you're going to do great at Boston!
One more week!!!! woohoo!!! So exciting!! You are going to tear up Heartbreak Hill!!! :) You've got this!! I hope your cold goes away quickly!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering why you have a picture of my boyfriend on your blog.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you (and jealous). Now, if you just find Ward and stay on his shoulder - you'll be a 3:05 marathoner. No sweat for you! :)
ReplyDeleteUgh for colds! I have one too and it is NOT fun. I am trying to be realistic about my expectations. I'll be looking for you!!
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ReplyDeleteug... hope you are OK. Was hoping there would be good news but instead there is some insane spam in the previous message.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are ok! Stay safe, please!