Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Mayhem!

Yes, yes. You all are into Triple Tangent Tuesdays, Friday Favorites and the like.


Mayhem Monday.
Warty Wednesday.
Take THAT Thursday.

I am very cool. Very inventive. Very Hip.

Mayhem is a bit of a fib. It was my motto for the pre-show horse training this morning, as one should throw a lot of terror at one's pony pre show so they are glad to get the hell off the farm. Really, when you have been around the horse block as many times as I have that statement reeks of logic and reason.

Just got back from a nice warm run of a sensible distance, if not terrain. 4 miles still seems so delightfully short and simple after the months and months of long distance training. It was lovely, kind of sweaty and buggy and my feet are not completely healed (come back on Wednesday. You should already know why!) But still.... (where did the lighter fluid come from?)

I feel myself getting the urge to sneak to a race (not sure if I could sneak since I just advertised this interest on the Internet. Hmmm.) I had a feeling that after an easy month I'd get the bug back and I can feel it! Not really sure what I'll do before the 4th of July, perhaps it will be something spontaneous and last minute? And under 13.1 miles FOR SHO.

My puppy is GREAT! YOU GUYS! No pics, I'm so sorry but my Dad stole the camera before I could load them. GAHD, like its his or something... (it is.)

On a final note. Even though I have been supremely bad at commenting on all of your wonderful blogs lately please know that I am reading and enjoying.

(and don't get too excited now, but I will be back on Wednesday. For real.)


  1. Getting ready for a horse show is probably VERY involved and involving. My daughter did a little riding over the past few summers, and I remember when the stable was prepping some riders and horses and then when the loaded up and disappeared for several days... it was quite an ordeal! Nice getting to do a chill 4. And glad to hear the pup is GREAT!!!

  2. No pics of the pooch. Better be pics on Wednesday or you're going to lose a follower.

    Ha-have a great week:) Interested to see what kind of race you "sneak" in!
