Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Boston Training 2020: Week 13: The time there was a pandemic

Things are not normal..

As everyone knows, there is a terrifying global pandemic. In the light of this, Boston has been postponed to September 14th. (although, who really knows)

Basically, I am 100% ok with this, as it seems like a completely insignificant thing in the light of what the world is dealing with. I can honestly say that the postponement was unsurprising, and I accepted it immediately and never thought of it again (until today, when I am addressing it.)

I have absolutely no competitive running plans at this time. I imagine that most races will be cancelled for the foreseeable future, and (if we are being real) probably well into the summer, maybe beyond. 

I do plan to keep running. 

In the meantime. Stay safe. Outside of the time after 9/11 I can never remember the world feeling so scary, so uncertain. 

I may continue to post a weekly update (since blogs are not a thing anymore, it will be more for my own amusement.) 

I did run last week. I believe around 35 miles. Unbelievably, we lost another close, longtime family friend quite suddenly. Between this, and the stress surrounding the COVID crisis, it was good stress relief. ALSO. Jesus Christ. Two close friends in the span of 12 weeks is just brutal. My heart is in shreds. 

Stay safe, my friends. 


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your losses. Please accept my condolences.

  2. I don't care if blogs aren't a thing anymore. You keep writing; I'll keep reading. Sorry for your losses.
