Monday, July 8, 2019

Training for Marine Corps Marathon: Week 2. When summer hits.

No doubt about it. Summer is here!

It was an active week. Busy at work. Several solid runs. 14 miles of hiking. Definitely not a lazy time!

I lucked out again on Saturday, and by the time I got out to run the weather had changed from 92, blazing sun and cloyingly humid to 75, thunder and rain (and cloyingly humid.) Other than the inevitable chafing they occurs, there is nothing bad about a rainy run!!

The one area lacking this week was speed work. I am going to have to figure how to toughen up and get it done. Yes it was 86 degrees during my "speed work" workout time, which left me feeling incapable of any speed at all. I imagine it will probably be that hot for many runs. The thought of getting onto the treadmill is just horrible- so I will have to figure this out.

I have ended up concluding that my long runs will just have to be "sometime" on the weekend. I ran a 9 miler last Sunday to try to "get ahead". As it turned out, I ended up deciding this whole notion was dumb and confusing and I just went out for a normal "long" on Saturday. I was planning to count the 9 from last Sunday in this weeks mileage, since I did not technically count it last week.

Things are going pretty well. It's gross running in the summer but it was my choice to do this so I'm going to either make excuses, or make it happen. I'm going to become a god damn summer warrior.

To the pub in the thunder

To a mountain top (at a walk hahah)

Over the bitch hill

Miles: 27.5 (an yes, the poor lost 9.1 is still not being counted hahaha)
Hottest day: 86 gross (92 but I didn't run then)
Longest run: 10.4
Hiking miles- Close to 14


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