Sunday, January 24, 2021

Almost done with all the challenges (running challenges anyway!)

After enjoying a relatively mild winter, we got some pretty damn cold weather this weekend. The recent above freezing conditions meant that high's of 19, and mega wind-chill felt pretty crappy. 

However, before the deep freeze set in, I managed a couple decent outdoor runs. I definitely felt better than last week, but just find that it takes extra time to get moving in the winter. A couple sluggish miles, and then I hit my stride and feel just fine (at least, this week I did!) 

I'm almost done with the 202 winter miles challenge. I don't believe that I'm going to end up making the top 50, but I have finished ahead of my time goal. I thought I could easily do it in 7 weeks, so I aimed for 6, and it appears I am finishing on 5 weeks plus one day (I'm assuming that I'll finish tomorrow.)

In the Boston to Bar Harbor challenge I'm making headway. It seems like FOREVER ago that this one began! There was definitely a time in September when I questioned whether or not I would be able to make up ground, after falling way behind. I'm pleased to say that I have, and am going to finish ahead of the deadline for sure! It actually appears that I should be able to wrap it up in the next two weeks unless something weird happens. 
During these odd pandemic times, I have found these online challenges to be very motivating. I have run more consistently (if not nearly as fast!) then in many past years. 

Still no race goals. I doubt there will be much of a Spring season around these parts, and even if there were, I would probably pass. Boston still "tentative" for "Fall 2021" and there are a ton of question marks around that situation as well. 
So yeah, in the meantime I'll keep cranking out some junk miles, since that is what I do best. I don't seem to need actual in person competition to keep me moving, which has been an absolute bonus during the past year. I would be an actual sloth at this point! 

In a funny throwback moment- I re-read some of this blog from when I first began recording my running adventures. 
Bless me. What an innocent little soul I was! Terribly cheerful and quippy as well, haha! 
Of course, I chuckled at all the mistakes I made. (hey, it's how you learn!) And I was also impressed with how hardcore (to my detriment) that I was. I also kind of miss Daily Mile- I had forgotten about that! 
Anyway. I'm still here, 10 years later. I have figured out what works for me, and the biggest thing I always say is that I'm willing to change plans/shoes/whatever. Being flexible is what has kept me in this for this long, without ever taking a mega multi month break. Need to trail run? Go! Need to try different shoes/gear/fuel, do it. Want to quit marathons and only run 5K? Good, who cares, go for it. 
And that being said, the only way to be any good (goodish) at running is to actually get out there and do it. I bumped into a client while I was out running in the twilight this week and she said "I'm just so astonished that you go out and do this after work" and I was literally like "well..... If I don't do it, it doesn't get done, soooooooo....." I guess that's the moral of the story. 

Miles run: 37.8
Warmest day: It was like, 40 on Monday. YEP. 
Coldest day: High of 20 on Saturday, On Sunday windchills felt like -25
Snow: Nothing. Well, like a dusting one night. 
Place in Challenge (s) on Sunday night: 
Boston to Bar Harbor: 119/573 Up three places. Currently at mile 715 of 750- so almost there
202 Winter miles: 61/1480- I dropped 4 places despite running decent mileage. Whatever. This one will be done tomorrow. 

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