Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Training for Marine Corps Marathon week 7: the one before the zero week

So week 7 of training was not super high mileage, but actually contained (just a few) decent runs.

Speed work early week with more 800's- and things felt good. If you look at my pace for 800's one would never think that I could run a 3:30 marathon, but apparently I just lack a really fast gear.
The weather was much cooler, and things went well.

I ran bitch hill on Tuesday, and it was pleasant.

16 miles on a hideously humid day on Thursday. I never felt great- this was a tough run in really disgusting conditions. I am uncertain if I have ever been as sweaty before. I felt pretty lousy during the last mile, despite chugging 1.5 liters of water during the run, and downing 3 electrolyte Humas and several salt pills. I felt quite good as soon as I finished, which is always a sign that I did not actually over exert, but simply suffered splendidly.

22 miles of rugged hiking over the weekend wrapped things up.

Rugged Rainy miles....
I plan to have a legit zero week this week. I planned this from the get go, as a good way to prep for the final stretch of training and work out any little physical issues. I keep feeling tempted to squeeze in a mid week run, but I plan to resist. If nothing else, my Boston training cycle this year taught me that rest is best sometimes!

Miles: 30.1
Hottest day: 4,000 degrees and 56,987% humidity for my long run
Longest run: 16.0
Hiking miles- 22.0 holy crap


1 comment:

  1. Hm, never done a zero week in marathon training! Interesting!
